Times People Couldn’t Escape Mother Nature and Didn’t Even Want To

With the ever-growing development of cities and our influence on nature, animals are forced to learn how to traverse our concrete jungles. Studies show that animals living in urban areas adapt to their new surroundings extremely fast. They have to live along with humans, sometimes interact with them, and even peek inside their neighbors’ home to say hello. “A hummingbird crashed into our window and letContinue reading “Times People Couldn’t Escape Mother Nature and Didn’t Even Want To”

These Are The Best Places In The World For Birdwatching

For birdwatchers, these locations are second to none when it comes to observing rare species. Birdwatching is a hobby that’s seemingly as old as time and while it’s not something that people usually take vacations for nowadays, that doesn’t mean it’s any less interesting or fascinating to witness birds of prey or a rare species. WhileContinue reading “These Are The Best Places In The World For Birdwatching”

Rose-breasted Grosbeak: A bird which is both male and female

The Rose-breasted Grosbeak derives its name from the male of the species who have a ruby-red triangular marking on a white chest and dark black wings with pink wing pits. Biologists have found a rare Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a bird with both female and male plumage colours, in the United States’ Pennsylvania. The Rose-breasted Grosbeak gynandromorphContinue reading “Rose-breasted Grosbeak: A bird which is both male and female”

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