A Photographer Immortalizes the Beauty of a White Lion From Every Angle

Simon Needham is a humanitarian and a wildlife photographer. He takes pictures of white lions to show the world the beauty of this rare color mutation of the lion. “I’ve been very close to lions to the point where, even though I was technically safe, it was still very scary”, Simon told Bright Side. “But safety is always my first priority. Although any time I am very close to a lion I feel like I’m in danger,Continue reading “A Photographer Immortalizes the Beauty of a White Lion From Every Angle”

Times People Couldn’t Escape Mother Nature and Didn’t Even Want To

With the ever-growing development of cities and our influence on nature, animals are forced to learn how to traverse our concrete jungles. Studies show that animals living in urban areas adapt to their new surroundings extremely fast. They have to live along with humans, sometimes interact with them, and even peek inside their neighbors’ home to say hello. “A hummingbird crashed into our window and letContinue reading “Times People Couldn’t Escape Mother Nature and Didn’t Even Want To”

12 Situations Moms and Dads React to in Completely Different Ways

Men and women have different attitudes toward raising children. And this is beneficial for a child because it makes it more likely that they’ll become a well-rounded person. Mothers and fathers see the world and solve problems differently, and we have compiled a list of the most striking differences. Fathers take many things in a lighter way But sometimes, they worry much more Is there a messContinue reading “12 Situations Moms and Dads React to in Completely Different Ways”

Photos Showing the Hilarious Relationship Between Animals and Snow

There are 2 types of pets — those who love snowfall so much that they refuse to come back inside, and those who are bamboozled by its existence. Either way, there is no denying that pets share quite an interesting relationship with snow that is cute enough to make their owners chuckle for days. 1. “After a day playing in the snow” 2. “Hildegard’s first snow experience is goingContinue reading “Photos Showing the Hilarious Relationship Between Animals and Snow”

13 Finds From the Past That Are a Million Times Cooler Than Any History Book

In the twenty-first century, we know a whole lot about ancient civilizations and extinct animals. But all this knowledge is a mere drop in the ocean. After all, even today, archaeologists make discoveries that leave the world with their jaws on the floor. 1. A molar of a mammoth: at least 4,000 years old Mammoths reached up to 15 feet in height. Naturally, their teeth were also of considerable size. They were equipped withContinue reading “13 Finds From the Past That Are a Million Times Cooler Than Any History Book”

This fireman saved a little girl. This is what she did 17 years later

Many years ago, a fireman named Mike Hughes saved nine-month-old Danielle Davison from a fire at her home. But what is already an uplifting story doesn’t end on just this happy note alone. ‘When we arrived, a large part of the house was already engulfed in flames. I found Danielle curled up in her cribContinue reading “This fireman saved a little girl. This is what she did 17 years later”

UK scientists probe new coronavirus variant’s spread in children

LONDON: Scientists in the UK are investigating the impact of a new mutant variant of coronavirus, named VUI-202012/01, on children and whether its faster transmission in parts of England is down to the younger segment of the population. The government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag) is monitoring the data to analyse thisContinue reading “UK scientists probe new coronavirus variant’s spread in children”

Must visit places in the world!!

Chamarel, Mauritius Though this East African island attracts visitors primarily with its gorgeous, pristine beaches, if you venture inland you’ll see this brilliant geological formation that translates to “Seven Colored Earths.” Hallstatt, Austria Get your cameras ready—this lakeside town is known as the “most photographed place in Europe.” Spend your vacation wandering the 16th century alpine houses,Continue reading “Must visit places in the world!!”

The 12 Strangest Objects in the Universe

Weirdo universe There’s no questioning the fact that the universe is weird. Just look outside and you’ll see all manner of strange, self-reproducing flora and fauna, crawling upon a blue ball of semimolten rock covered in a thin, hard shell and blanketed by a tenuous film of gases. Yet our own planet represents a tinyContinue reading “The 12 Strangest Objects in the Universe”

COVID-19 Vaccine Is Coming, So Who Will Get It First?

After nine months of chaos and the death of more than 1 million people worldwide, we may soon have a vaccine for the deadly coronavirus. With the development of as many as 150 vaccines (nearly 40 are in late-stage clinical trials), a coronavirus vaccine is expected to be launched by the end of this year, however, most experts believeContinue reading “COVID-19 Vaccine Is Coming, So Who Will Get It First?”

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